Meals Mate app for iPhone and iPad
Human connection, much like the perfect recipe, is a delicate blend of diverse flavors and textures. Each person, a unique ingredient, brings their own essence and nuance to the communal table of life. Together, we create a rich and harmonious tapestry, infusing the world with the warmth and richness that comes from sharing a meal. Just as a symphony of ingredients forms a delicious dish, our connections enrich our lives, leaving a taste of love, laughter, and shared experiences on the palate of our souls.
Our app helps to connect people through food and sharing meals with each other. Sitting down and eating with each other is one of the best ways to form a human connection, or if you are just lonely and hungry and have no one to eat you can use our app to find a friend to eat with. Our app also provides discounts on restaurants and gifts that partner with us. Our app WILL provide free features like picking locations, where to meet people, and other features of dating apps you must pay a monthly subscription for. We are here trying to form beautiful human connections and help you stay connected.
As humans, we have 5 senses that dominate our everyday decisions. Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch.
1- You will not walk alone in a dark alleyway by yourself if you see a bunch of thugs hanging in there. (sight)
2- You will not go into a place where you just heard a big blast came from (Sound)
3- You can’t stand long in a place that smells foul (smell)
4- You will not swallow anything that tastes miserable (Taste)
5- You wouldn’t keep poking at a needle unless you are addicted to tattoos (Touch)
6- This is why we truly believe that food is so essential in connecting us together; our 4 senses are in food: sight, smell, touch, and taste.
At Meal Mate we hope to connect you with your most vital sense when connecting with others, LET’S GO EAT. The rest of one sense left (sound) is up to you after breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
When you join us we do our best of our ability to fulfill your 4 senses and the rest we hope should take care of themselves.